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PrincessHime vanilli PrincesSerenity psycofairy darkdragon1 |
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Anime and Music Name Game.
animelovercallista says:
19 Months Ago
Thought I'd start another name game with a different twist this time as it involves the opening/ending or insert songs from Anime. Heres how it plays: 1st-we post the name of a OP/ED or insert song from an Anime.
2nd-the other members come up with the name of the Anime its from (artist/group that sings it is a bonus).
3rd-the first person with the right answer gets to submit the next song for the game.
4th-as an added bonus the member with the most right answers that include the artist/group that sings it at the end of each month, will have have a wallpaper of theirs used for the groups Cover Photo. The first will be choosen on January 31 2014.
1.) No Pain, No Game. (this is a newer one).
abc1234527 says:
19 Months Ago
I think that song is for Multi... am I right?
animelovercallista says:
19 Months Ago
Nice try, but not the one. Note that I didn't say in the rules that you can't look it up, like at Youtube or Wikipedia.
abc1234527 says:
19 Months Ago
I tryed that and Milti was the only one that showed up!
animelovercallista says:
19 Months Ago
Comes up on youtube, maybe its blocked where you are.
abc1234527 says:
19 Months Ago
might be. not sure. I live in America.
animelovercallista says:
19 Months Ago
Then it should as I live in Canada.
abc1234527 says:
19 Months Ago
I'll look again....brb.Is the anime Btooom! ?
Edited by abc1234527 on 1/3/14 at 9:52pm
animelovercallista says:
19 Months Ago
Yup the No Pain, NO GAME is the OP song for BTOOOM!. The artist is NANO.abc1234527, you're up next. Submit your choice for the next song, and lets see who gets it right first!
animelovercallista says:
19 Months Ago
Gonna make one change to the game! If a song isn't submitted by the other current winner with 2 days of their current answer, I'll submit a new in their place to keep things going. So heres the next song:2.) Jajauma ni Sasenaide.
Edited by animelovercallista on 1/9/14 at 8:03pm
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