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Women Are Special

Welcome to the group that visually addresses what it takes to help each woman feel as special as they truly are. What makes you feel special? This group may include a wide variety of things. A few ideas...

1. Makeup
2. A day at the spa
3. New hairdo
4. A step out of your comfort zone to a new ensemble
5. A new fur baby
6. A hug from somebody
7. A new dress (or other clothing)
8. A new hat
9. A gift
10. Giving to someone else (a helping hand, a gift, a listening ear etc.)
11. A trip
12. An unexpected (happening) in your life

This is the place we all share those special moments, things and unexpected little or big happenings in our lives.

Now it's up to you, what helps you feel special

Group Information

Last Activity: 1 Month Ago
Group Leader: blueangels1015
Moderators: None
Submissions: Open
Group Visitors: 450,028
Founded: April 11th, 2017

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Welcome to our returning member

grandma_gingerbread says: 12 Months Ago
To our returning member, blueangel1015 and any other new members I may have missed welcoming. I try not to slight anyone, but as with everybody else, I sometimes have hectic times in my life. I will be reviewing the posted images to see the wonderful ideas you have all contributed, around the end of the month. I have many appointments scheduled yet for my daughters and I, but will keep things at a fairly good pace until then.
Please direct your questions to Emma999 (our group moderator) during the times of my absence. She is a vital member of the group, and always willing to help.

grandma gingerbread (Joyce)
emma999 says: 12 Months Ago
Yes, a BIG WELCOME to our dear member blueangel1015!:):) and by all means, forward your queries to me until our Leader, Joyce finds more free time to spend here with us.:):)
blueangels1015 says: 12 Months Ago
Thank you and I miss you all! I AM BACK lol I have a questio can you but you just women shoes? Thanks
blueangels1015 says: 12 Months Ago
sorry Mistake on grammar Question
grandma_gingerbread says: 12 Months Ago
Yes, you may use shoes, jewelry, hair accessories, finger or toe nail pictures special outfits, even gowns (as long as they stay within Nexus rules). There are a wide range of things that help women feel as special as they truly are. Let's see your treasures!

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